Blue Bird Shoes was born from the desire to unite comfort with a creative and playful design.

Our production is handmade, 100% Brazilian and made with great care with more than 110 processes involving up to 33 artisans. To always keep your Blue Bird spotless, check out all the special care guidelines.

For better storage, always store your Blue Bird in the cloth bag that comes with the product to avoid natural wear and tear.After purchase, the product requires some care related to use, cleaning and storage, which directly influence the durability of the shoes and are the sole responsibility of the consumer.It is necessary that the footwear is sanitized before storage and that the place of storage is dry and ventilated, allowing the product to ventilate.

The credit card numbers provided by the Holder will be recorded directly in the card issuer's database, so merchants will not have access to this information.Upon receiving the card data, the administrator will verify the transaction online, at which time it will inform you whether or not the purchase was authorized.If you choose to save the card for future purchases, the data you provide will be recorded at our payment gateway and is fully compliant with PCI DSS 3.2 security standards, as a Tier 1 service provider, the highest security standards in the payments.